Nishaani (1942)

This review is written by Mr Arunkumar Deshmukh

Film Nishani was made by Shorey pictures. It was produced and directed by Roop K Shorey. Aziz Kashmiri was the lyricist and Pt. Amarnath was the music director. It was the First Hindi film for Pt Amarnath as well. The cast of the film was, Majnu (real name was Harold Lewis-a favourite of Shorey.he paired with I S Johar later as a comedian), Ragini, M.D.Kanwar, Rooplekha, Rani, Mala etc.

Story of the movie was –

Not far from Lahore is a village, Desoo. There lives Ajit, the son of the Choudhari-a graduate without work. His father wants to get him married. But Ajit finds it ridiculous. He leaves the house to escape matrimonial bondage. Tired and fatigued he sleeps under a tree.

In Lahore- Lives an exact double of Ajit. Ranjit and his beautiful wife, Indira, are a happy couple enjoying each other’s love and devotion. Ranjit is a rich man and fond of excitement and adventure. . Ranjit bumps into Ajit. The collision leads to complications. Ranjit’s motor-bike runs out of control just where Ajit is lying asleep. The one is taken for the other. Ranjit gets caught among the villagers of Desoo and considered a lunatic. He is sent to Lahore asylum. Ajit is taken for Ranjit and is removed to house.

Ajit is dazed to find himself married without marriage. He wants to avoid Indira, the wife of Ranjit. Doctor Ganesh Das puts him down as an unhinged brain. But Ajit knows he has to act under the circumstances. And as usual, the youngman finds love the only thing for a useful diversion. He makes friends with one L.Kishori Lal whose sister Leela easily takes for him. Indira comes to know about the proposed `remarriage’ of her `husband’.

But all her efforts to avert this crisis are of no avail. The pair makes good to escape. Ajit and Leela are enjoying their honey-moon in the Green Hotel. On the other hand, Ranjit manages to escape from the lunatic asylum and comes to town. Here again Ranjit and Ajit exchange their identities.

Ajit is at a barber’s shop when taken for Ranjit, the runaway lunatic. Ranjit is claimed by Leela at Greens. Ranjit knows there is a mistake but cannot help it and there is a terrible row. In the midst of this scene jumps the party headed by Indira and Kishori Lal, chasing Leela Ajit. And then someone calls the Police too.

Finally, it is Indira who checks the Birthmarks of Ranjit and declares him as the Right Ranjit. Thus she gets Ranjit. Then Ajit is brought from the Assylum and identified by the birthmarks by Leela. He is also certified. This way the ‘Nishanis’ or the Birthmarks save everyone( including the audience) and the film ends on a Happy note.

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